Learn About Gloss Hair Color
Learn about gloss hair. Sometimes referred to as glaze or toner.
Just like hair coloring, hair gloss and/or hair toner, is a semi or demi-permanent hair color.
There are a couple of benefits to this coloring technique however, like better protection from water. Other benefits include UV protection, longer lasting hair color, reduction of frizzy hair and for those with damaged hair it works as a coloring tone regulator. Best of all, it keeps your hair shiny and silky looking!
There are many hair color and hair care treatments available for all types of hair. Visit Avant Garde Salon and Spa to let one of our hair experts, examine your hair and recommend the best treatments and coloring techniques!
Some people may have very frizzy hair and although this hair coloring technique can smooth that frizz, our hair experts may recommend a better choice based on your hair.
A great benefit of Hair Gloss is that it can provide protection from heat (ie: blowdryerts, curlers…etc.), helping your hair and cuticles to stay healthier than without any treatment.
Are you ready to change your hair style? Visit us on our main page and schedule an appointment with a hair profession online!
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Content retrieved from: https://www.avantgardesalonandspa.com/Latest-Salon-and-Spa-News/Learn-About-Gloss-Hair-Color.